Mindfulness for Social Justice

This week's muse: Mindfulness for Social Justice
What is mindfulness and how is it developed?
How does mindfulness support social justice?
"Mindfulness is simple - we breath, we sit. We open the mind's clenched fist." ~ Jey Ehrenhalt
Mindfulness leads to: - An awareness of our interconnectedness which serves to break down socially constructed barriers
- A vision of seeing myself in you and myself AS you which helps to overcome the Luxury of Ignorance (being or choosing to be unaware of injustice because I am not affected by it)
- Awareness of personal judgements, assumptions, biases and stereotypes that we hold about ourselves and others
These lead us to question our actions and consider how we can better serve ourselves and others.
What are you doing to cultivate mindfulness in your life?
How are you working to support the good of the many?
Jordan Rakei - Blackbird (Live Studio Recording) Fat Freddy's Drop
Tom Misch - Dusty Memories
You can find both of these songs on Soundcloud
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